Tuesday, October 26, 2010

From ear to ear

Today is the true definition (in my opinion) of a fall day.  It is cold/brisk, gray and rainy.  The leaves are changing and falling to the ground.  I finally broke out the gloves (not my iPhone gloves- just regular gloves) to keep my fingers warm.  Thank you Kay May for giving me your iPhone gloves!!!  I am prepared to go to the Football game tonight but only if the weather gets a little better.  I refuse to sit out in the cold and rain! 

Almost two weeks ago my big headed wonderful loving older brother called me and told me that he would be coming to visit me.  Well not really to visit me, he would be working but he was only taking the job so he could see me.  I haven't seen my brother since April so please believe me when I say that I was extremely Happy!!! I knew that we would not get to spend too much time together but I was hoping that he could squeeze in a meal with me!  Of course he said yes and that started me thinking- What shall I cook?  I had come across a new recipe for steak and grits but my brother doesn't eat grits.  So I asked him what he wanted and his reply was simple "fried chicken and potatoes."  I went all out and made an Earthquake cake.  The recipe is super easy!!! I also prepared whipped potatoes, fresh green beans and fresh corn cut off the cob!  I really felt like I had been cooking for HOURS!  OH I forgot to mention that I also baked some chicken with a homemade bbq sauce and browned some rolls.  Well my brother came over and boy did he eat!!!! He devoured the fried chicken and cleaned his plate twice.  I was hoping to bring left overs to work today but that did not happen!!!  So glad that I got to spend time with him!  And really looking forward to seeing family in November and December for the holiday season!!!

I am still smiling from ear to ear!

Enjoy your Tuesday!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Getting in Trouble

I received a phone call last night telling me that I should do better on my blog...  It still makes me giggle when people call me and tell me that they have been reading (But I LOVE IT!!!)  Sorry for the absence.  Work, work and more work is my excuse. 

Last week, I finished a chapter in my wonderful book of life.  I was so happy to turn the page and be done with it... I feel like I am talking in code so I will give you a little bit more.  I have had a couple of friends ask me why I don't talk about dating on my blog, relationship advice, being Single in the city!!!  It's just not right for me.  I don't have horror stories of being set up with terrible people or anything.  My good friend, Berkley, teased me the other day because he said that I had been implying that I only date Black men.  Though I have never put that on my blog-  I have had the typical experiences that most young woman have had.  I have talked to some great guys and a few SBAN's (please message me if you don't know what a SBAN is).  But it is great when you can get some things off your chest and move on... That is what happened to me last week. 

This week is full of BIG SURPRISES!!!! 
And I will even give you a hint!  It involves a Cake and a VISITOR!


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Food, Friends and Fun

I have been keeping a secret from you... Motivation came and knocked on my front door and insisted that I start working out twice a day... I did so well for 2 months and then I fell back off of the work out wagon.  I am hoping that motivation comes back again...

The other day I was persuaded to go to one of my favorite restaurants in town Ono.  KSan knew that I had been craving Hawaiian food and told me that we should go after work.  Have you ever tried Spam Sushi?  It is delish!  The spam is cooked and served with a wonderful sauce.... I was watching Food Network the other day and they showed it being served in Hawaii... Maybe I need to jump on a plane and check it out over there... Regardless- I love it and so glad that I have had the chance to try it since moving up North. 
The pieces are big!! If you have never tried sushi before and you like rice and spam... YOU can't go wrong!!!  Next up was fried rice... I think that fried rice here is the best that I have ever had (compared to Chinese fried rice).  It had chicken, veggies and they asked how you wanted your egg served with it... obviously I watch way to much FOOD NETWORK and told them to serve it like this

I asked them to throw some pineapples in there for a touch of sweetness.  It is so nice to eat dinner with a friend!  Thanks KSan!!!

On to baby news!  Received a text this morning letting me know that my bff KMM is expecting a little boy in March!  It is really hard for me to imagine KMM pregnant.  I know that she is but it is not real because I haven't seen her in a few months!  It won't become real to me unless I see her with a belly.  We were texting last night (while watching RHOA) and I told her that a MAC product that they were using on one of the "Housewives" was a piece that I owned.  She told me that I must like to look like a whore!  I could not believe that she would tell me something like that!  I told her to shut up.  I used that piece of MAC on her for her wedding day.  She told me to take a look at her belly and see the condition that she was in.  Gotta love your friends!!!

Speaking of MAC, I bought two new pieces this weekend.  I think that I needed some Retail Therapy.  I purchased a new mascara, Opulash.  So far so good but I will let you know how I really feel about it after I have used it for a while.  The second piece was a new pigment called Fuchsia.  I wore it yesterday and got a couple of compliments! 

Food, Friends and Fun... Can't live without them!


Monday, October 18, 2010

Random Treatment

I had it all planned out... What I wanted to talk to you about... interesting stories and tid bits but then it happened!  I changed my mind and decided to give you the RANDOM Treatment.  A random treatment will be me being RANDOM!!! or some likes and dislikes...

I love the fact that my family does not think that I am coming home for Christmas... it cracks me up!  I don't know why they think that I am staying up North or that I am running away to some far away land.  Lord willing I will be HOME for the Holidays...

I love that my Pappy KNOWS that I am coming home and is counting down the days until I get there.  He will be tired of me by the time that I leave... But he will be thrilled to see me come! (He even offered to pay for my plane ticket home!)

I'm in LOVE with Vitamin water ZERO... I pray that the obsession ends soon.  I swear I'm addicted to that beverage.  I have about 5 flavors that are my fave and I promise you that my cabinet is full of all of them...

I dislike the fact that I fall in love with LIMITED EDITION everything.  I am the Queen of Limited Edition items.  MAC is notorious for making me fall in love with something and then snatching it back into its vault of perfect never to be seen again items. 

I'm trying to find the motivation to start Holiday shopping... don't know if or when I will get motivated. 

I hate the fact that people think that I am lying to them when I say that I am single.  It is a true statement.  I am single like a one dollar bill.  I hate it when the same people ask me when I am getting married.  I don't know... But if you talk to GOD and HE tells you when I'm getting hitched, please pass the info to me!

I love nice feet... I get a pedicure once a month.. Doesn't matter that usually I am the only person to see my feet.. they still have to look nice.

I love driving and letting the wind play in my hair.  Warm spring days are the best!  I am not looking forward to winter.  Fall isn't too bad but winter means iPhone gloves, hats and coats... But just like life you need to go thru all seasons.  It makes you appreciate your favorites that much more. 

I think that I have been random enough for one day... 
Thanks for taking a RANDOM moment with me

Randomly YOURS~

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

My Friend Frank

Middle of the week... Middle of the road.... Sometimes I feel like I am working just to get to the weekend but then that wouldn't make sense because I usually work on the weekends!! But this weekend I get the whole weekend off which is the best thing ever!!! Last week, I worked all day on Saturday... I had a great time but I am just a little worn out and ready for the Christmas Vacation... I do believe that it is around 72 days until the Birthday of Jesus! 

Ladies, have you ever had a male that would eat out of the palm of your hand?  Well this weekend I spent some time with my new friend FRANK!  Frank caught my eye and I did something that I never do... I made the first move and approached him.  He was so sweet- It did not bother him when all I wanted to do was look at his beautiful eyes and rub on him... Please say Hello to my friend Frank:
I really think that Frank liked me because I had just eaten a Snicker and he could smell it... That did not bother me at all!  He sniffed me and realized that I was his kind of woman!  He let me feed him a treat and even smiled at me after!  I was so sad when Frank had to go but I will always remember my time with Frank!!!

Enjoy your day

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Squeeze a Boob....

Because it is October and breast cancer awareness month- I decided to change up a few things.  Hope that you like the new background.  I have been donating to Stand up 2 Cancer for the past couple of years.  I prefer SU2C over Komen... but that is just me!!!!  A few days ago marked the 9th year for me that my mommy passed.  If your mommy is still living- Call, text or facebook her and tell her that you love her!!!  And if you are a woman- Please Squeeze your boobs once a month... And I guess if you are a man... well I don't know what to tell you! 

This morning I was watching my usual morning show- Good Morning America.  They did a segment on items to buy that have been previously owned.  One item that stuck out in my mind were band instruments.  I had to laugh about it because my family has passed down a clarinet for years.  It all started with my oldest girl cousin T.  T was in the band and played the clarinet!  A few years later my Tootsie was in the band and low and behold that family instrument came back and landed in her lap.  Then when I was in Elementary school, I had to play an instrument and did not have a choice of what I wanted to play because we already a free instrument in the family!  Oh the Clarinet.  My mommy was nice and had it cleaned and maybe something replaced- but I was forced to play it because it was free.  I only played the clarinet for one year!!!  Then after me it was one of my twin cousins- though I am not sure which one.  I know that my cousin wanted to play but I don't think she did.  I believe that it interfered with sports so she couldn't.  The clarinet was a great family investment!!! 

Later this week I will be telling you about my friend FRANK...

Have a great day...

Thursday, October 7, 2010

GOMN- ALL Of the Drama

This post is not going to be ladylike.  Please excuse my bad language (just this one time) and let me get somethings off my chest.  Lately, people have been giving me a hard time.  And I realize that I am not the only one who is having a hard time.  I have had plenty of conversations with my pals about the rudeness of people.  How are these people being rude?  These rude people like to give you a hard time rather it be a co-worker, boss or anyone really!  I am sure that you have had a run in with someone who just wants to give you DRAMA!  I am proud to say that I am Drama free!  I am not in a relationship, all of my friendships/family relationships are as well as can be expected and things are going well at my job.  But people don't always want to leave me alone.  And the only thing that I want to say to people who don't want to leave me alone is "GOMN!"  You might be wondering what is GOMN stands for- Get Off My Nuts!  The only reason that I am writing about this is it seems that alot of you who read the blog (and I know that there are more than 5 of you so if you have not liked the blogged, please hit FOLLOW on the RIGHT upper corner PLEASE! Tootsie, KMM, Gribbs!) 

I realized that I am not a man and "technically" I don't have them, but sometimes that is the only way to describe the feeling of having people all in your business.  I realize that this is just something that happens in life.  People wanting to know whats going on with you- Not doing what they are supposed to be doing because they are too worried with what you are doing.  I GET IT!  But sometimes you just want to tell those people to GOMN and get away from me!  Let me do me for a minute!!!  So the next time that your boss is giving you a hard time- Pretend that you are telling him/her "GOMN!!"  I would not recommend saying it out loud because I am sure that you want to keep your job!  But you can always think of it in your head! 

I hope that you enjoyed this and please do not take any offense to this post.  I promise to go back to the regular stuff... But this had to be mentioned.

~Silly Girl

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Diagnosed with....

Today could easily be considered a Fall day.  The only good part about that is that the rain decided to wait until I was safely in my office before it came tumbling out of the sky.  And I really do appreciate that since I just washed my hair on Sunday.  I guess that I should explain why it is acting like Fall.... The gray overcast sky, leaves on the ground (and being tracked into the building) and the craving for a bowl of chili.  Oh and I almost forget... wanting to crawl into bed/ a big chair, couch and just veg out!  And my student worker even came into my office and told me that I didn't look too good.  She apologized for saying it and I know that I look fine because I am wearing a custom blended shade of MAC grape Pigment.  She was referring to that fact that I look tired.  And because of all of these things I had to self diagnose myself with a case of the BLAHs.  Are you familiar with the blahs?  The need to just be left alone- When you can't put your finger on what is wrong with you but you just need some time?  Well that has to be what is wrong with me today!  I woke up on time but was not motivated to get out of bed.  I was in a LONG meeting this morning, when all I really wanted was for everyone to be quiet and take a nap.  So what can you do to get over the Blahs?  I ate some dark chocolate, a bowl of chili and turned on some good music!  The Blahs are starting to leave me... And not a moment too soon! 
Last night I was very excited because Real Housewives of Atlanta are BACK!!!  Out of all of the RHO series I can say that Atlanta gives you the most!!! The most attitude, fights, drama and all of the extra stuff.  I also loooovvvee RHOA because I can have date night with my bff KMM.  We might live in different States, but we always text during the show and call each other during the breaks.  I am very excited for a new season of over the top, hood rat type drama (in a very classy way) ;-).  BOOP!

Well... I guess that I should go so that I can get rid of the Blahs for the rest of the day! 


Monday, October 4, 2010

Burnt Biscuits


I hope that you had a great weekend! 2 things for you today.  Something silly and something serious... which pretty much sums up me!!  I mean sums me up!  haha

This cracked me up!!! Loved it!  Thanks A-Dogg for putting it on FB!  If you don't know, the video was a spoof of a song by Bobby Brown!  It really cracks me up!  Mike Tyson can NOT dance.  Oh My!!!

Below is a little something that I read today.  It really put a smile on my face and put a few things into perspective!!! Hope you get something out of it too....

Burnt Biscuits

When I was a kid, my mom liked to make breakfast food for dinner every now and then. And I remember one night in particular when she had made breakfast after a long, hard day at work. On that evening so long ago, my Mom placed a plate of eggs, sausage and extremely burned biscuits in front of m...y dad. I remember waiting to see if anyone noticed! Yet all my dad did was reach for his biscuit, smile at my mom, and ask me how my day was at school.

I don't remember what I told him that night, but I do remember watching him smear butter and jelly on that biscuit and eat every bite! When I got up from the table that evening, I remember hearing my mom apologize to my dad for burning the biscuits. And I'll never forget what he said: "Honey, I love burned biscuits."

Later that night, I went to kiss Daddy good night and I asked him if he really liked his biscuits burned. He wrapped me in his arms and said, "Your Mamma put in a hard day at work today and she's real tired. And besides – a little burnt biscuit never hurt anyone!"

You know, life is full of imperfect things... And imperfect people. I'm not the best at hardly anything, and I forget birthdays and anniversaries just like everyone else. What I've learned over the years is that learning to accept each others faults - and choosing to celebrate each others differences - is one of the most important keys to creating a healthy, growing, and lasting relationship.

That's my prayer for you today. That you will learn to take the good, the bad, and the difficult parts of your life and lay them at the feet of God. Because in the end, He's the only One who will be able to give you a relationship where a burned biscuit isn't a deal-breaker!

We could extend this to any relationship. In fact, understanding is the basis of any relationship, be it a husband-wife or parent-child or friendship!

"Don't put the key to your happiness in someone else's pocket - keep it in your own." So… please pass me a biscuit, and yes, the burned one will do just fine!

And please pass this along to someone who has enriched your life... I just did! Life is too short to wake up with regrets… Love the people who treat you right and pray for those that don't.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Pot of Luck


Could it be that we have completed another work week?  Not really for me.  I have to work tomorrow- But that is okay with me!  I mentioned yesterday that we were having a Pot Luck at work and would be serving brunch.  The only casserole that crossed my mind was a dish that my Grammy made years and years ago.  I always loved it because it was a Grit casserole.  Unfortunately, I don't have the recipe and knew my Grammy would not know.  What is a girl supposed to do?  Well I googled around and found the recipe (or what I think is the recipe) and then realized that these Northerners probably don't do grits.  I also realized that I need to make something that I could cook in the Crock Pot.  So I googled again and found a Breakfast Casserole.  I had to go to the store and buy all of the ingredients for the dish and then prepared it while I watched Top Chef Just Desserts.  TCJD was a great episode!  But I am sure that I will probably say the same thing next week!  Back to the Casserole- I was not impressed.  I really feel like all of the different components shine separately, but put together the flavors were very muddled.  But maybe that is what happens when you do not modify the recipe.  I usually monitor and adjust but I did not this time.  It really doesn't matter since all of my co-workers and students ate the whole thing.  My recommendations for the recipe would be to add more salt and pepper, more cheese (possibly even a little Velveeta).  And do NOT bake it for 10-12 hours.  I think I baked it for 9 hours and it was completely done!  The new crock pot is HEAVY!  Talk about a work out- Just carrying that thing from the car into the building- WOW!  I would also suggest that you have some salsa to serve with the casserole for an extra kick!   Someone brought doughnuts for the brunch!  Take a look at this beauty:
A bacon Maple Bar!  Talk about sweet and salty!  Well that is it for me.  Hope that October is treating you well!!!

Lots of Luv