Saturday, October 27, 2012

Something like Fall

Today is fall.  At least for me.  It was cool enough yesterday that I grabbed a jacket off the dryer when I left for work and still cool enough that when lunch rolled around, I ordered soup (yummy baked potato soup).  It was almost cold when I got off work and had to grab goodies and pizza for the niece and nephew who were going to have a date night with me. I thought that I wouldn't get a fall here in Texas.  I was wrong.  It is in the sixties today and though I need to go to a mall and find a MAC store because I am almost out of powder, I am choosing to stay at home, catch up on my dvr, play games and drink a chai tea latte.  I really do need to unwind because next week I will be going home to check on my Pa.  Oh I really miss daddy.  I will be driving home 3 times in the next 2 months.  That's roughly 48 hours on the road.  Worth it, especially because gas is getting cheaper.  Just for fun I want to put some random things down:

Obsessing … Over getting my hair colored.  Decisions, decisions.

Working …I've been at the new job for a little over a month and I am still learning things and enjoying the challenges
Thinking … About how blessed I am.  I prayed and prayed and prayed and waited for new job and new beginnings and it finally came.  
Anticipating … The holiday season
Reading … I am currently not reading any books which is unusual.  I have read 50 Shades of Grey but don't own it.  I am thinking about purchasing it because I could re-read it.  And I'm also not reading anything because I need to get a library card for the new City.  
Listening … It is so nice being in a city where there is a radio station that plays good music and has a morning talk show that makes me laugh.  
Eating …  Because it is chilly, I really want soup, sandwiches, tea, desserts.  But because I am a fat girl, I like to eat all the time.
Wishing … that I could plan a vacation and wishing for something spectacular.

Sunday, October 21, 2012


Today was a nice Sunday.  I have had a HARD time going to a new church.  I really loved my church home in the North.  People were friendly and I enjoyed my Pastor and his messages.  I felt like I had family at my church and truly enjoyed it.  During the move I felt like I was Superwoman.  God was opening doors for me and I was moving quickly (once I received and accepted my job offer) but I felt like I was doing things alone.  It took me 3 days to drive across country to get home and then another 8 1/2 hours to get to Texas.  I was tired of making every decision and doing it all by myself.  God was with me but no one physically.  I have been buying furniture and building furniture and getting things delivered and so much more.  I got tired of doing things and just couldn't go to church by myself.  Moving also meant leaving the few friends that I did make and starting from scratch.  This summer I read "MWF seeking BFF" by Rachel Bertsche.  In case you don't know MWF stands for Married White Female seeking Best friend Forever.  The book was humor laced with statistics about a married white female "Dating" women to find friends.  You know, friends who will be spontaneous and get drinks with you, or friends who will do dinner and wine or friends who are married and you can go out with your spouses.  I enjoyed the book and am taking some of those tips on Dating friends here.  Thus far I have made two friends.  I am glad that I am an extroverted person because that always makes it easier.  So today I was invited to church by my new friend.  It felt so good to go to church and not have to be alone.  I really enjoyed the service, everyone was friendly and there was a good message.  We went out to lunch after service with 2 other single ladies from church and it was so nice!  

I am sure that I will be dating more friends soon.  Let's hope for a date with a man too.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Loves, likes and others

Today is one of those days.  I know that tomorrow has to be a better than today.  

I love being back in the south but I have never lived in Texas before now.  It makes no sense for me to curl my hair at all because by the time I walk out of the door at my apartment and lock the door all of my curls are gone.  HUMIDITY is not my friend.  I love the heat.  I have so many sweaters that I fear that I will no longer be able to wear because it is so warm here.  I love the fact that people speak and are friendly.  Men hold the door for me and will walk towards it even if they are not going in to grab it for me.  I love the fact that people say God Bless You because really GOD DOES BLESS YOU!  I like going to the store and knowing that I will not be the only person of color.  I love waking up to life and God's surprises everyday.  I love that I can jump in my car and drive home if I have to.  And my favorite love of all is the fact that I can see my niece and nephew.  They are the craziest, sweetest kids ever and I love that I can be in their life.  My nephew looks sooo much like my brother that it scares me.  They allow me to love, kiss, hug on them as much as I want.  I really feel God's love for me these days.  

Saturday, October 13, 2012

New Chapter, New Start


My absence from the blog was due to life changes.  So let me explain....

I spent eight long, long, long months job searching.  During that time I put things on pause.  I had to take time to focus on me.  I put friends, family, and life on stand still so I could put my energy into finding a new job and trying to finish my old job out strong.  I had some incredible loved ones in my life who pushed, listened, helped, prayed and stood by me during those 8 months.  THANK YOU!  No reason to say names... YOU know who you are.  

Life has just been taken off pause and it's wonderful.  I officially left the North and accepted a new job in the South.  Life doesn't suck anymore.  God stretched me during those eight months.  If you don't grind you don't shine.  I can honestly say that I am glad that I moved and that time in my life is over.  I am so happy to be living in Texas.  I am hours away from family and I feel normal.  I blend in when I go to Walmart and people are friendly.  I smile and can feel the happiness radiating from my body.  I still haven't found a new church home but I know that will come in due time.  

It's crazy that I just summed up some of the hardest months of my life in 2 paragraphs.  Job searching, interviewing, bad vibes from people I was ready to be done with, driving across country (by myself and with Jesus), going to check in on my Grammy and Daddy and finding a new place to live and starting a new job.  That's a whole lot.  And I am glad that I handled it with GOD.  Because I assure you I didn't think God was hearing my prayers because the wait was horrible and long.  But I do believe that during that time, when I was praying and waiting- it helped me to prepare for what I have now.  God came right on time.  HIS time.  My time- not at all.  But all of my needs where meet.   I don't miss anything about the north.  I do miss some of the people. 

It feels good to be back on the blog scene.  I can't wait to update you on life, the kids, exploring a new city and more.

~Tiny Chocolates