Friday, March 25, 2011

Just for Fun

Happy Friday....  I feel like this week flew by.  No complaints about that.  I am off this weekend and I plan to enjoy every second of it(I have to work next weekend so I won't be off again until Saturday, April 9).  A quick baby update:  KMM is in the hospital and should have Prince T today or tomorrow!  Praying for you KMM!

Here go a few random thoughts....

1. March 2nd was Dr. Seuss's birthday you like green eggs and ham? Okay - how about this do you like your eggs?
I like eggs... My favorite way is sunny side up and preferably served on top of some Hawaiian fried rice at Ono.  Although one of my friends just had a burger and had them serve the egg sunny side up (I was so jealous because it looked so GOOD)!  If I am cooking them than it's typically just egg whites. 

2. Is March coming in like a lion or something less ferocious where you live?
March came in like a lion... and is leaving like one too!
3. Do you work better or worse under pressure?
I really feel like I am at my best when I am under pressure.  That might be why I have been so productive this month.  I am getting things done and trying my hardest to stay on top of the ball!  But things do suffer (ahem, my blog).
4. Under what circumstances do you do your best thinking?I do my best thinking in the weirdest places.  Typically, when I am taking a shower, laying in bed thinking about what's on the agenda for the next day or driving down the street.  I do love talking to people and bouncing ideas off of them and feeding off of their energy.  My energy needs to be pepped up a bit.
5. What item of clothing from your wardrobe do you wear most often?Work clothes don't count so I would say my sweats... When I come in from work, my sweats know that they have to keep me happy and comfortable until time for bed! 
6. Do you use sarcasm?Not really
7. Insert your own random thought here...I have so many!  Just thanking God for all of my blessings!  My not have everything that I want or be where I would like to...but thankful. 
Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Ignoring Time

An early morning meeting got canceled today leaving me with a few minutes to blog to YOU!  Someone must have known that my blogging duties are not up to par and knew that you needed an update!  So here  goes?!?

I received the CUTEST birth announcement in the mail last week!  My VBP (Vanilla Bean Prince) looks so cute!  Thanks Queen B for sending me one!  I love receiving mail that is NOT a bill!  Also, My Kay May, who is taking some R&R on the beach this week, sent me a funny card! 

I have made some great low cal recipes lately.  Turkey Meatballs & spaghetti and BBQ Turkey Joe's.  Delicious and filling!  I tried adding the links but it is not working... Let me know if you are interested!

This weekend, I went to an International Food Song and Dance Festival... I had a great time seeing students dressed in their home country's attire!  So many different cultures... Amazing!  They served food that the students had prepared for dinner.  A welcomed treat since one can get burned out on banquet chicken and veggies. 

KMM should be having her little prince any day now!  She is acting like the READY pregnant woman who wants to get the baby out right THIS minute!  I keep telling her to be patient!  He will be here soon! 

My Pappy is missing me (nothing new) he keeps asking me when I am coming home for someones wedding...  I am not in anybody's wedding so maybe just wishful thinking... But he could be right... You never know when I will pop up!  I love keeping people on their toes!

That's it for me!  I have WORK to do!

Love you!


Monday, March 14, 2011

Marching thru March

The month of March is almost up!  And this is the first time that I have blogged the whole month! 

So what's new with me?  Nothing new....  The J-O-B is kicking my behind.  I am just trying to hold on until graduation.  So far so good! 

This weekend I went to the movies and saw Unknown with my friend Tiffany!  One of the best movies that I have seen in a LONG time!  If you find yourself wanting to go to the movies please check it out...  It is definitely a Redbox rental but if you have some extra dollars then head to the theater. 

I made a wonderful BBQ sloppy Joe recipe the other day!  It was easy, quick and super tasty!  I will add the recipe tomorrow (let's pray about that)!

Anywho... That is it for me
