Monday, July 25, 2011


I continue to let large amounts of time slip by... (if you aren't getting enough of a fix you can always follow me on twitter!) 

So what has been going on with me... I made a trip back home where is was hotter than blue blazes to celebrate my Grammy's 90th!  I am so blessed to have both of my Grandmother's!  They are both in their 90's and I thank God for allowing me to grow up and have them in so many wonderful memories! 

So if I visited my Grammy then than means that I jumped on a plane... Surprisingly, I didn't have any major delays so I arrived home 15 minutes later than expected and back in the North 30 minutes later.  I have gotten so spoiled living in the North.  It gets warm here but because there is no humidity, I never really sweat.  I definitely sweated when I was at home in the South because when I landed the temp was 107 degrees!  Usually when I go home, I ride around town in my dad's old pick up truck.  The truck does not have AC and because of this my dad decided that I couldn't ride around town and rented me a car.  The rental car is much nicer than the car that I own.  I miss the rental!  I also miss my family!  This was the second time that I almost cried at the airport because it has gotten so hard for me to leave my family knowing that when I return to the North the only thing that I have to look forward to is an empty apartment and my job.  Please keep me in your prayers.  I am growing thru some growing pains! 


Friday, July 1, 2011

Explaining a YEAR

I can't believe that I have been blogging for a year (tomorrow actually)!  Love it!  I am glad that I have hung in there even though I have wanted to throw the towel in a few times.  I love to look back on some older posts and see what I was up to!  Hoping that I blog more this year...

Yes it is true... I got an iPad 2.  But let me be clear.  I did not buy it.  It is a perk with the job.  It's mine as long as I work at my current job and the only expectation is that I use it as much as possible.  If you read my blog you have heard me call my iPhone- iNdee!  I have been racking my brain on what to call my iPad...I'm thinking Bull- short for iNcredible.  Your thoughts?

I hope that you all have a fabulous long holiday weekend.  I really wish that I was going to Essence Music Festival with KMM... She has backed out on me the last 2 years. 

PS- I'm on twitter now...  You should follow me