Monday, February 28, 2011

And Life Goes On

Life has been moving at an alarming rate... or maybe I should say that time has been moving at an alarming rate... Either way that is why I have been absent from my duties as a blogger.  I am hoping to get back on track.  But if you should check back here and I am not on it then please TELL ME about absence and I will make it up to you! 


I am still living up NORTH... Where it snows everyday and doesn't stick.  I had to throw my snow boots away the other day because they had a whole in the sole.  That's fine!  Just an excuse for me to buy some new shoes....  But since the back account could be doing better, maybe I will just wait. 

All babies are doing well....  Queen B and my Vanilla Bean Prince are doing well!  Maybe I will show you a picture of my new honey...  KMM is officially full term and will be birthing Prince T in a few weeks or so!  And all of my other nephews and nieces are doing great!

I have officially started my weight loss story (part 1000)... I will write about that soon! 

It has been almost 2 months since I last saw a family member and I think that it is time for me to remedy that situation.  My Sannie is working very hard to make sure that this happens... We shall see

I have tried a TON of great new restaurants lately!  And my waist, hips and thighs all have the evidence (hence weight loss story 1000!) 

I am addicted to the Wally world brand of Scentsy!  Tahitian Creamy Coconut is wonderful! 

I have been struggling with life lately.... I hate that I have loved ones who are SO Far away!  I have friends who LOVE me but I can't ever see them or spend time with them! 

And Life Goes On (and So do we)



Wednesday, February 23, 2011

No Excuses

I have been a bad bad bad blogger..... 

I have left you without an update, message, picture... NOTHING! 

No excuses... I sincerely apologize and hope to right this wrong.  Please forgive me?  Say you will.

I have tons of updates...(of course I do, I have had a two week absence)! 

but they will have to wait until tomorrow!  Enjoy your Wednesday!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Birthday Birthday Fun

It is official!  Birthday Week Extravaganza has begun!

Congratulations Queen B on gorgeous Baby P!!!!

He was Born on Feb 3 weighing 7lbs 1oz.  Such a cutie!!!  And of course another little boy who needs some loving from me!  Can't wait to see him in a few months(I hope). 

Baby P is the newest headliner in my birthday week blitz.  Today is Nicole's birthday!  Nicole was my roommate from college!  Happy Birthday Boo!  Love you!  Wish that we could dress up and go have some fun! 

I don't have big super bowl plans... but I am thinking that a party would be fun!

Enjoy your weekend! 


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Update and a List


Queen B has had the worst luck with the weather.  She received a phone call yesterday from the Doctor's office telling her that her appointment was rescheduled for today... So no baby until tomorrow (maybe).  I will keep you posted.... 

A List.

I should be working out again... My knee has been hurting a little (a huge sign that I need to get motivated)
I love my new "MAC Power Supply" lipstick. 

Ever since I had my impromptu MAC appointment, I have been motivated to do a better job on my eyes!  They are POPPING!

I don’t understand why I can never reach my brother on the phone.

when I wake up in the morning I check iNdee to see if I missed any calls or texts.  Then I turn on the TV and watch Charmed or the News. (most of the time it is Charmed, the weather man depresses me)

I caught a great deal on Vitamin Water.  .45 cents a bottle!  Heck Yeah!

I wish I had a passport.

and a trip to go on!

my fear of flying has improved!!!! 

take my advice: start a blog. It is very therapeutic.

Just bought a Memory Foam for my bed!  OMG!!!

I'm almost always reading a book.  Right now I am reading the Conversation by Hill Harper. 

.... Enjoy your Thursday!


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Around Here

Greetings and Salutations!!!!

3 important things for today!

1- CONGRATULATIONS DR. KMM!  KMM passed her boards and will graduate in May!  Now I know a dentist and if I ever have kids they can have great teeth (haha)!!!!  Super proud of you honey!  You rocked it out! 

2- Queen B is going to the Hospital tonight to be induced.  Baby P should be here sometime tomorrow (maybe)! Can you tell that I am excited to be having another nephew.... :-)  God blesses me with tons of kiddos!!!!  

3- I am slightly jelly (*jealous) about the snow day that most of my friends are enjoying!  It is really more ice than snow but in the south you take what you can get.... here is a pic that my Kay May sent me this morning!  

No snow... just the slick stuff....

That is it.... 

