Sunday, February 24, 2013

Crazy times

Life is great!  Why?  Because I am alive and the world is treating me well.  A year ago, I wasn't feeling like the world loved me.  I felt like the world hated me and God was testing me.  Started from the bottom now I'm here.  God is Good.  My week FLEW by.  I had 3 programs this week and was glad that I made it to Friday.  I really need to schedule a massage/facial me time but that will come later.  I stepped into the kitchen today and did a little cooking and baking.  As promised, I cooked one of the WW recipes.  You can find it here.  I made it today.  I did not use fennel because it isn't my fave.  Maybe another day.  I did add mushrooms because they were in the fridge and I wanted to use them before they went bad.  I paired this with a salad and it was YUMMY.  VERY Yummy.  It will be dinner and lunch this week.  I also made bran muffins with applesauce, walnuts and raisins.  It is so HARD to find the bran mix.  They don't sell it El Walmart so I had to shuffle to Krogers.  I will put this recipe up next time.  I worked out once this week and need to put my hips in the bed so I can work out in the morning.  

Loving you!


Sunday, February 17, 2013

Once upon a time

Hello There!!!  Still with me?!?  I hope so!  I just experienced one of the best weekends ever.  Two of my good friends from college decided to come visit me for the weekend.  Can you say FUN with all capital letters.  They literally wore me out and I feel like I am suffering from a hangover when I didn't even have a drink.  Words can't express how great it was to have friends come out of their way and stay with me at my home.  I only had one house guest when living up North so it means a lot to have two guests at the same time that I love.  We shopped, shopped, shopped and dinnered it out!  We saw a few celebrities and got to catch up.  These two friends are from my college years and it is so neat to see how we have changed (and haven't).  I would detail the 3 days that they spent with me but it really was shopping, food and bonding.  I will see them again in April and I am soooo looking forward to it!  

Work is still keeping me busy and I love it.  Still trying to get a secretary but that will come in time.  I have major programs coming up this week and my left eye is back to twitching which means that I am slightly stressed.  It isn't a bad stress just enough to let me know that it isn't rainbows and lollipops.  

I have decided to keep myself accountable with WW on this blog.  I have decided blog about WW once a week.  Let's see how that goes.  I worked out last week.  I don't know my weight loss or gain because I need to go to WW and get weighed in.  I have a week to get it together.  

That is it for me!  Have a fab Week!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

If I were consistent....

You would know that I got back on the WW wagon and am addressing the fact that I love food but need to lose a few pounds!  Yay because the first step is always the hardest.

You would know that I just got back from visiting the Texas state capitol and had lunch on the front lawn in early February is 80 degree weather.  

You would know that I am back on morning work outs because I can't be trusted to go in the evening.

You would know that I have been frequenting the movies lately!  I saw Parker this weekend and I am so glad that I watched a little action movie on the side.  

You would know that I have debated deleting the blog but I really love that I have documented a few things.  

You would know that 2 friends have dragged me to happy hours (in two different parts of town) and I had a great time.

You would know that I love the diversity of the city, still loving my job and enjoying life.  I desperately need a secretary because I am barely getting by with just my 2 student workers.  In time, in time.  

Please continue to stick around.  I'm an inconsistent blogger but my heart is in the right place.



Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year and a Birthday

Happy New Year!!!!!!

I can't believe that it is 2013.  As I sit in my over sized chair, I hear the people outside still shooting fireworks.  I am safely back in Texas because the universe decided to be mean to me and SNOW while I was at home.  I have told you repeatedly that I hate snow, but God wanted me to have a white Christmas!  It also meant that I wasn't able to drive and see some friends.  In the last 2 weeks, I have had 2 friends get engaged and a beautiful little niece make her grand entrance into the world.  Talk about blessings all around.  

I had a birthday.  I celebrated my last birthday for my twenties.  I would love to hide my age from you because I should be ashamed that I am almost thirty, childless and Man less BUT my age is my gift from God.  There are many who don't get to see 29 or 30 so I will proudly state my age and say Thank you LORD.  Because 30 will be here before you know it, I decided to do a 30 for 30 list.  I don't have 30 things yet but I'm sure over the year that more things will come.  So let's start!

1.  Dedicate my self back over to Weight Watchers.  It is not a secret that I dropped almost 25 pounds on the program, but because of the move and trying to get scheduled, I have fallen off the wagon.  Back on I go!  

2.  Run a 5K.  Sounds easy but I hate running so it will definitely be a stretch.

3.  Continue to grow my relationship with the Lord.  He has been SO Good to me.  I can't put into words what he has done for me just this year!!!!  He brought me through it all.  

4.  Travel.  Go to a beach, start saving my pennies for a European trip with my Kay May.

5.  Get out there and really start meeting people.  I'm not excited about it but it has to be done.

6.  Research a doctoral program and get on the ball.  It's time people.  

7.  New Car.  It's time to start shopping for a new vehicle before my trusty boo thang breaks down on me.  Stay tuned because I am sure that you will hear more about this soon.

8.  Starting letting go of my piercings.  I have six.  I want to lose at least one.

9.  Find my new church home and become a member.

10.  To be a better daughter, niece, sister, aunt, friend, cousin to my loved ones.

so there you have it.... 10 things on my list of 30 that are kind of like new year resolutions but are really something else.

Happy New Year

May God bless you with all of the happiness, good health and love that your heart can hold.